Saturday, October 19, 2019

Managing Finance and Information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Managing Finance and Information - Essay Example In this manner, the knowledge base is transformed through the systems logical process modeling, which allows for data applications to be interoperable and interchangeable through the enterprise in a secure manner. The transformation process involves strategic security levels. This focuses on the logic linkages of data packets, for example, linking the engineering intellectual capital of suppliers to transform into composite information for product development. The transformation process is incremental to ensure that data maintains integrity and is validated throughout the process, with the goal of removing inconsistencies and promoting the business model. Data outputs are organized based on system uses information already maintained by the company; however, the information requires a different method of storage and access. The data integrity validation system may require additional storage space to allow for the real-time job proofing that is an integral part of the system. The intellectual property received, transformed, and administered to the end user have increased dependence on electronic transmission of order information and therefore demand a greater degree of redundancy regarding the output infrastructure. Monetary value fluctuates with the type of intellectual property or research data received, the transformation i... locally obtain necessary information using accessible physical devices (hardware) that process particular data (retained in a database) via a certain set of instructions (software). All successful information systems must connect and direct people, processes, data, hardware, and software towards a desired goal. The IM project tools such as work process maps, internal project reviews, focused client expectation and satisfaction surveys, and Jacobs Value Enhancing Practices to both deliver successful, repeatable results, and to create new opportunities for innovation and enhanced value Delivery Throughout The Input-Output Cycle The success of both the IM department and the ontology of the systems systems depend on the integrity of the data that forms the foundation for each system. A database stores a collection of files containing various pieces of information or data that are interrelated in some fashion. It can also not be stated that any one source of data has a greater value than another, or than the transformation of the data, or the output to clientele. However, a lack of validity, integrity or security in any input-transformation-output cycle could cost Jacobs Engineering millions, if not billions, of dollars in lost, stolen, or corrupt data. Therefore, while there cannot be a specific monetary value attached to the data cycle, there is a strong amount of financial risk involved with loss of information in the data cycle. The Budgets table shows the estimated cost of relative data control needs. The IM value is not monetary based, but without the succinct capabilities there would be a significant gap in the functional ability of Jacobs Engineering to work in the global information technology environment. The value of IM is therefore not based on the traditional

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